Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekly Updates

Sammy hydrating and stretching before his big, adventurous day with Momma

Happy to see our own faces on mom's camera phone

The many faces of Sammy ~ mischievous early morning grin for Dadda

I am cute aren't I?

Seriously though?!?!  So cute...

Coop early morning style...we have to eat our breakfast pant-less, with several trains and waffles

Our bubble making machine is a hit

Coop and Sammy love tub time everyday

Sammy gets the non bubble side of the tub...this sucks!

Our boys love the airport...there is a terminal where you can go and just watch all of the planes come in

Coop is dictating his new and improved birthday wish list...there may or may not be a private jet on it!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Sammys multiple chins here!!! And coop is getting tall, and totally remind me of terry!!!
