Thursday, January 24, 2013

Weather has been wonderful, but the snow is coming...

Sam has perfected his zebra skills

He also loves to swing in the old school swing

We spent last weekend at the museum of natural history

We also spent a lot of time last week in the tubby...Sammy ate something that his belly did not like and it showed!

We tried to climb trees with brother bear

We chill-axed on this weird bench

Renewed Sammy's LOVE for ice cream...Coop never finishes his, often taking maybe 5 licks, not little bro, he did not let my hand go as he devoured his, almost eating the whole thing.  Well played Sammy, well played.

And we checked out some cool fish tanks together, Sammy was all top heavy from the ice cream war...I still think Sammy won.

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