Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Traveling with 2 boys was surprisingly a little easier than I thought...just 2 meltdowns(and not even bad ones) on the plane care of Sammy.

They LOVED the airplane ride...it was even delayed an hour but my boys did well.

And we began the fun right away...the farm with Grandma Judies and cousins.

Sam and Anna were fast friends and Sam was not happy when she had to leave his presence.  He would ask for more Nanna!  So sweet!

How could he not...look at this cutie!

Cooper feeding the hungry parakeets at Santa's Village.  He had so much fun there!

The Brookfield Zoo was another hit, we had many adventures!

Building with Grandma

Watching some horsies

And an impromptu birthday celebration for Sammy and Grandma Judies...we made the cake thinking we would use it for the next day but the boys had other plans...Chocolate cake, fresh chocolate cake can not wait!

Sam lovin' on the sheep

Ry riding the horse

Jack, too!

Coop's turn

Even Sammy and Nanna got in on the action!  What a wonderful trip!

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