Monday, September 9, 2013

First Day of School

Big Day and he was ready!  He practically jumped out of bed and got dressed...why does he look 8 here?

At the school playground

And Sammy and I waiting for brother bear at the end of his first day.  It was a hit, Coop loves school! 

This guy, however, misses his brother.  He cries every morning at drop off for 'more brother bear'. Hard on the little guy to have his 'friend' gone!

So big...

So big indeed.  His legs can touch the ground.

And this is Coop at a b-day party for a friend, you know just killin' the competition at the sack race event

Sam was in there as well

And we received the most wonderful package all the way from 'Down Under"  Lizzie sent Coop and Sam a back to school care package complete with Coop's fav movie of all time Finding Nemo Sticker book.  You hit a home run with that book Liz!   Coop loves it!

And we spent some time coloring the aussie animal printouts...loved it!  Thanks Liz and Mike!

And a new park to end the night, as Coop says, "That plane is gonna land on my head!"

1 comment:

  1. So happy it got there relatively on time!! Looks like Coop had a good start!! Poor Sammy �� very sweet though how much he misses Big Brother! Lotsf hugs and kisses
