Monday, June 10, 2013

Same story different city!

Our drive from Chapel Hill to DC was not a long one but boy did it feel like one...Coop entertained himself (and Sammy) with books and Daddy's helmet.

Sam, not so happy to be here.

We have mastered how to get into our 'new house'.  I think Cooper thinks we are going to live in a hotel forever!

But, we have finally found a place and it was time to enjoy this amazing place!  First stop, the Air and Space Museum on the Mall

We are doing well, loving the metro, and getting ready to move into our place soon!

A stop at the Mall is not complete without a ride on the carousel.  Terry and I were reminiscing about Cooper melting down a couple of years ago on this same carousel...this time it was Sammy's turn.

Washington Monument under construction

Coop and Sam enjoying the river front

Fast forward 20+ years...our boy, Captain Cooper

We found many wonderful parks on every other block

GREAT libraries for days

And the real bosses of the Bacon family...we went from being OK looking at houses to flat out refusing at the end of our week long search...what a week!

But we are all smiles now...well almost!

Sam still misses NC

Love, Us

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