Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Late November happenings

Cooper and his Harvest Festival hat at preschool...seriously, so talented!

Sammy in the helicopter at the mall

Just playing some trains with my brother, no big D

Is this how the bridge works Cooper?

Speaking of bridges, Cooper is obsessed with the Wonderland Express exhibit at the Museum of Life and Sciences!  He can not get enough time watching Thomas and Percy and the rest of the trains go around and around and around...

Seriously LOVES it

And my boys enjoying some juice for Coops and water for Sammy in the morning.  Coop loves these Thomas sorting cards and so does Sammy but Sam only wants to eat them.

At the Marbles Museum in the toddler lagoon (he is not a toddler yet is he???)

He could totally scale that if he wanted to...

Big bro loves this place

Hockey~he was in this area for about 45 minutes!

Sammy loved the hub caps on the wall!

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