Friday, October 12, 2012

Last Week

This is how dadda and Sammy roll at 5:15am

Coop and Momma roll with paint for has been beautiful here lately, 70's all week and we have been outside enjoying it!

Coop showing off his skills

Kind of like big D

Coop and Dadda reading our favorite book right now, Pete the Cat!  WE LOVE IT!

Sam big enough to rock his big brother's old gear

We still need to work on closing the mouth for big kisses to momma

Speaking of outside fun, Coop, Sammy and Momma decided to take out the bike carrier for the first time with Sammy and Coops...we fit!

But just barely!  But they both loved it!  Especially because we went to the park and Sam LOVES to swing! 

Coop has had several play dates in the past couple of weeks.  Pants of course, optional.

And bouncing away in the bouncy house in Durham!

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