Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

From one very cute giraffe...

Hard to see but this was Cooper's Halloween Party at school, so weird to be there as a parent!

Two Buzz's = more protection for the galaxy

Sam just getting his learnin' on...and standing!

Giving us his 'boy I am a handsome little guy' face

Right before trick or treating...Dadda stayed with Sammy and had a tubby and momma and Cooper went out!

Couple of bro shots....

Not too interested in Coop playing with his giraffe mane

And our big boy before the outing!  Sooo much better than last year...we spent almost 30 minutes out and went to a good number of houses.  However, no interest in the candy, just that some houses had dogs and kitty's.  Loved trick or treating though and that was fun!

Sammy's bear bum

And big brothers!  Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Whats a happening?

 Sammy getting all 4 food groups in one serving of delicious pizza. 
 I had a long day and need a quick power nap, then I will be ready to go. 
 I am going to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween, to infinity and beyond!
 Mom, can I jump off the couch again?
 Just hanging out with my boys
 I wanna eat a whole one!
 I can drive with my feet and hands, just like mom when she changes pants while driving.  Oh wait, was I not supposed to tell people you do that?
 What are you lookin at?
 Mom has boots, I have boots
 Sam is soo handsome
 Coop, which train you wanna go to first?
 The steamy?  He looks scary.
 That was a sweet mail car, I might want to come back to it later. 
 Holy $%&! is that a skeleton?  I want to go back to the mail car!
 Thats an eyeball, no big deal
 Sam likes the train
 His mom
 And dad
Some fish, just relaxin!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Two great videos

What a great visit!

Grandma Judies came to visit this past week...and boy did we have fun!

We had some catching up to do, what better way than over some nuggets and cherrios

Then off to the North Carolina State Fair!  It was a first for us and Cooper and Sam loved it!  There were carousels...

Dragon roller coasters...

Handy fishing rods...

Harold the helicopters...

Mom was there!

We then headed to the Children's Museum in Durham with grandma

The weather was wonderful

And boy did we enjoy ourselves!

We did some climbing, no big D

Hung out in a police car

Bounced a little

Played some peek-a-boo with our blankies

And gave one of our favorite ladies some extra loving...

Open mouth and all

This is Sam's 'I am gonna get whatever is in Cooper's hands' face

Some more swinging at Pullen Park

And a final birthday celebration this morning for grandma

We love you grandma and can not wait until Christmas!