Monday, June 4, 2012

Family Fun

This is how Cooper spent much of his time on the soccer field last Saturday...maybe he found some flowers!?!?

Coach Dan was there to redirect him often!

Here they are playing a game we call "Keep Cooper on the Soccer Field!"  Now, when we ask Cooper what we did on Saturday morning, he calls it "Listen to the coach" instead of soccer...ahhhh what are you gonna do?!?!

Post game cupcake face...and first medal!

Celebrating with mom and dad at the pool

Sam hittin' the bumbo running with some summer watermelon

Coop running from the watermelon...not a fan of watermelon that Cooper

But Sam LOVES it!

Seriously?!?!  Can he get any cuter? 

We had our 6 month check up today...17 pounds 8 oz. for my Sammy.  50th percentile for weight, 27in~ height, 75th percentile and head circumference is in 75th as well.  We also had to get 3 shots in his chunky little thighs.  My boy was not a big fan!

Coop and Dadda reading

One of my favorite pics of Coops and Dadda...check out his new 'do!  Courtesy of Dadda

and Momma too!

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