Friday, June 29, 2012

last one

 I am gonna row it!
 Coop likes bears
 So much so, that he wanted to swim in their pond
The woman who reluctantly agreed to take this did not give it her best effort.
 Coop and momma chilling at 1 mile up on the bridge

Sam, just happy to be here.


 So, the top scenic attraction, eh?
 little nervous,

 I wake up from a nap, and the first thing I see is a bear?  C'mon Child Services, I am pretty sure my dad is an unfit parent.
 Look mom, snacks, I'm gonna eat it
 Coop on the "Shake-Shake" bridge, 1 mile high. 
 The boys
 Coop teaching Doc Watson somestuff
 Sam, thirsty.
 Coop won't wear his 3D glasses in the theater, but he wears them in the car
Oh, yeah, it is hot here.

Grampa Came for a visit

 You usually don't get the boys and the adults to smile in the same pic, Sorry dad, you lost out, Sam looks good though!  Cheeks and all. 
 Prunes, like a Boss!
 Coop warming back up to Grampa
 little blurry, operator error
 Keep it classy! 
 Sammy at the museum, discovering stuff!
One from camping, just stumbled upon it, too cute. 

Getting outside

 Well, not quite outside, just getting the boys in the same photo is a pretty big deal for us.
 Getting Coop to wear his camelback is also easier said than done.  He is such a big boy carrying his own weight on a hike. 
 Mom, loving it, the boys, at the end of their ropes, "it is hot out here mom!"
 Swings are a huge part of our weekly routine
 Coop wades into Jordan Lake
 A little perspective on Sammy vs Kris
 Momma and Coop by the camp fire before the smores
 The boys in the tent, Coop reading his Chuggington ads and Sam starting to crawl
 Mom and Sam take a morning nap while dad breaks down the campsite.
Coop gets into the marshmallows before dinner, they are as big as apples, special edition ones for smores. 

Greensboro Childrens Museum

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer is here!

Sam in action~sitting up like a champ!

Coop finding magic sticks!

Sam's awesome hat

Coop and momma

Testing out the big boy chair

Coop in the latest fashion

Watchin' the ducks

and the cows

and the fountain at Sarah P. Duke Gardens