Thursday, March 31, 2011

So, last week, mom and dad took me to Chisinau, Moldova.

 We woke up really early and got on a CHOOOO CHOOO.  They put us in a room with a couple beds and I got to watch other choo choos and climb around.
 Then it got really hot in the choo choo and I needed to cool off.
 Hungry!  So I ate some goldfish and drank some juice and watched the countryside.
 Then, mom found us a sweet park in Chisinau, it was a lot nicer than the ones in Kyiv.
Then, I found some nice sky-rats to chase.
Of course, like all post Soviet places, they have some sweet WWII memorials.

 and churches
 And more parks.
and best of all......  I made TUNNELS!

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