Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beach Trip ~ Canary Island Style

 What?  Our flight has a 2 hour delay?  No worries mom, we are cool...
 So over the delay thing.
 And I want out...
 Ahh, the sun, where have you been?
 Me and my shades...
 and my mom.
 View from our room, we stayed in Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria, in a nice hotel that was kid-friendly.
 Sharing my chips and my styling techniques, I put the hat on myself.
 Chilling in the sun, Coop is now so over pictures.
 But not over sharing chips!
 The sand was so nice to throw, even if mom asked me not to.
 The water was very warm.
 So I tried to drink a little, and managed to throw yet some more sand.
 I can still do headstands in the sand!
 and play trains on the lobby floor, mom would be freaking out about the germs but apparently vacationing with 2 two year olds is not as much fun for the moms...hmmmm
 Me and my girl, well, besides mom that is!
 And listening to a country music singer in the main lobby, so first date style!
They were wonderful, and I had a great time!

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