Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Hikers
Walkin' with mom

My Mother's Day gift...so talented.
Hugs for mom
New jammies
"I think I can scale this..."

Yep, Coop is walking! Both Terry and I treasure our time with him! He is so much fun~ 'talking', laughing all the time, and being the center of all of our happiness. Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there especially my mom, sister's, sister in law, and mom-in-law! I had a wonderful Mother's Day and Coop gave me two great gifts on Sunday, homemade flowers with his picture on them (he is so gifted at the tender age of 14 months!) and the last gift came in the form of a a normal bed time, 7 p.m. It was just too easy...my second gift? A 3 hour time frame, from 9-12:00 a.m., where he was up and not going back down. We spent almost two hours trying to get him back down and at 11:00, when he was baby babbling and laughing at himself, he won! He was up and dare I say had a little swagger to that Frankenstein walk that he has perfected. I think he knows he has us wrapped!

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