Sunday, May 4, 2014

Outdoor adventures

Daddy was home from work so we decided to hike Theodore Roosevelt Island Park in DC.  The boys loved it, especially Sam.  Terry and I think that Sam would have ran the whole hike had it been free of little boy distractions.  He and Cooper spent about 25 minutes collecting and throwing rocks off the bridge.

Just a boy in the woods

Staring into the drain on the bridge, another favorite

A snack break

Riding the train with Dadda

Tickles to pass the time

Rock them shades Sammy

Coop and Water = Love

A view from the bridge

Another bridge (yes that is Sammy way up front, seriously the kid is a runner!)

And a video snapshot of our hike!

Us Lately

It has been awhile!  Sorry...Cooper wanted to let you know he is still eating well and they both still like to cook with mom.

Sam also likes to wear mom's boots.

We spent a day at the National Cathedral in DC and the playground at the school there was amazing...

Mom and Sammy on the rope bridge, NBD

The boys and I also spent a day at the Meadowlark Botanic Gardens in Vienna, Va.  It was late March at this time and the weather was sunny and cool, perfect exploring weather.

The boys made some fast friends!

Coop sat on a bunny

And they took turns almost breaking the chain that was to keep little boys like mine from "bangin' that bell", as Sam says.

It was Cooper and Sam proof, thank goodness!

The ducks are always a highlight

And we ended the adventure like any 2 and 5 year old would...sweet, sweet ice cream!

Since the weather has warmed up so much, Cooper, Sam and I have spent some time having picnics in the park,

riding our bikes,

and looking so cute, I could eat him!  Happy Spring!