Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another museum, another fireman's hat

Water features, we love 'em

Water balloons are wonderful

And yes, that is a smile on my boy's face.  Soccer was fun this week and Coop only made one run for the park in the middle of the game, getting better!  Not perfect but getting better!
Friends in town are so fun

And this is our tent in the 'dining room'

We plan to do some camping this summer

My boy

Not sure if he can get any cuter

Yep, that is my boy caught in the net, he kicked sooo many goals, we did not have enough balls to practice with! Haha

We kicked the soccer ball today, actually we kind of ran into it as we were running to mom, but we made a connection with that ball!  It was awesome, mom and dad were so proud!

We visit a lot of kid museums together...this one is called Kidzu in Chapel Hill

Coop figuring out how this stuff works

Sam in his Sunday best

What a ham-bone!

Just getting my read on...never to early to learn about trucks and tractors

My view from the kitchen of my boys

We hang out a lot together on the floor, watching the boys make a mess

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just Sammy

Sam is learning fast to protest when his brother invades his personal space

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Touch a Truck Day!

This boy LOVES public transportation!  We are off to the Boy Scout Touch-a-Truck Day here in Chapel Hill!

All of the fire engines are Tar Heel blue...

Top of the mornin' to ya

We were able to sit in a helicopter

And this was our reaction to getting out of the helicopter...we needed to take some time

So we drove a bus

And another helicopter

We rode a crane-swing

And yes, another helicopter

We got to see this one land right in front of us

All of us driving the bus, it was fun but incredibly hot, 88 degrees!

Easter Day/Soccer

Coop landed a new Lightning McQueen bike from the Easter Bunny

And some awesome goodies

Hey, Dad has a helmet, too

We flew a kite

Sammy was there

And this is our first day of soccer...we started out ready

Some coaching from Dad

And then the tears began...

And continued...until we were done.  Needless to say, Coop is not the best listener and his soccer game, as a result, is suffering...but it was cute and funny!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cooper and Sam one day prior to Easter

 Sam likes these early mornings a little more than dad does
 Dad, do not let the bunny hold me today!
 Did someone say bunny?  I want to see the bunny
 Mom, look a bird, can I eat it?
 So delicious, I eat nuggets all the time, should I just go to the source here?
 Hi mom!  The bunny, we hopped a little, then we went to the easter egg hunt.
 reluctantly crouched at the starting line.
 And we are off!
 Coop did a lot better at this one than last year in Ukraine.
The kids in the easter egg hunt this year collected empty plastic eggs and turned them in for candy at the main activity table.  This did not please Cooper.  He has more use for plastic eggs than candy, it did not go over well.