Santa brought us Grandma Judies for Christmas |
We stayed up late wrapping, drinking wine and watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation |
Coop was very excited about his new choo-choo book |
And loved his stocking gifts from Santa |
Now, on to the big present from Santa...Cranky the Crane. Cooper was a good boy this year. |
Sam was content with his juice and his bath toys from Santa |
Grandma Judies opening her new earrings from Coop and Sam |
Coop opening his new Tidmouth Sheds from Grandma Judies and Aunt Rita |
Sam wanted in on all the train action |
Sportin' his new hat from Aunt Kate |
Hugs for Grandma Judies |
Coop starting to crash like Ralphie and his little bro in xmas story. Too many presents
Dad, Does life get any better? No son, it is all downhill from here.
Dad unwrapping his "cousin eddy hat" and t-shirt from aunt snootes, Real nice Clark!
New tracks to match his new trains and gear. Good times!
New bath toys make it soo much better!
Can a boy have too many bubbles?
Gramma Judies, that is really Thomas the Tank Engine!
Coop and Gramma Judies
Gramma Judies trying to subdue a sick Sammy, tough work!
The boys thought that Gramma Judies is taking a private Jet home, who are we to let them know?