Saturday, November 26, 2011

Welcome Sam!

 BAM! Game time, Samuel Ben Bacon is under 1 minute old.  At 0204 Central European Time, Samuel Ben Bacon is born 3.37 KGs and 55 CMs. 
 Sam has his mom's soup blowers
 Dad gets some time
 Mom gets a little crazy with the camera

 5 more minutes, please!

 Cooper is sort of excited.  He calls Sam, "Baby" but he does not quite realize that we are keeping him. 
 Mom and her boys.
Mom is tough as nails, just resting with little Sam.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lately for us, but no baby B yet!

Daddy finishing up some extras before dinner.
Coop shows us how flexible he still is, wearing dadda's boots

He is still a reader...loves to pull all of the books off the shelf and then ask me to  come over to see his destruction!
Our neighbors let us borrow this ball pit after we had all of our furniture packed up and moved was a little empty, but this quickly made Coop smile and say, "This is so cool!"

Lovin' the pit!

Coop also went to his first official birthday party today, our neighbor Chloe turned 3 and Coop had a great time!  He especially loves Max, the dog.

Eating pink cupcakes and ice cream, Coop did not touch it, he is not a sweets boy.  We have NO idea where he gets this!        

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our day...

It was beautiful despite being Nov. 1 and we spent it outside, up on the mountain!

Dadda had the day off and Coop and I were so happy!

So happy!

We enjoyed chips....

the beautiful scenery...

and if you look close, you can see the building where Baby Bacon #2 will be born!

It was a great day!

He might have a job when we get back home?

A friend of ours sent this from No. Virginia, guess he is popular!