Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ducks, hiking and other cute Coop happenings...

We went to Eipsee Lake and fed the duckies...

Took a break from the rain

And an hour later at the same spot, had a picnic.  I am eating my favorite snack in the whole world, Baked Doritos!

These are just Baked Lays, mom thinks they are better for me, haha!

But, I have been sportin' some of my new jammies.

This is me at the swimming pool, mom wanted to swim, I wanted to play in the sand.  I won.

The view from the pool, so pretty.

Chillin' after my post pool nap.

And our neighborhood park is still one of my favorite things to do.

And here we are up on the Alpspitz.  We took a 10 minute gondola ride and went hiking. 

I would not let go of my Thomas the Train book.

They have an observation deck that is amazing.

Mom and I weren't scared at all.

That is where we were standing!

And I am one happy and handsome little man!  Love Cooper

P.S.  Happy Birthday Grandma Cathi!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Some oldies and goodies

A natural...

Uhhhh,  maybe not so natural!

But so cute, eating some raisins and reading.

He can read it self, he says.   He has memorized several parts and I love to hear him say the words he remembers!

Going up the Wankbahn

Grandma Judies was there, too

She even rides on the teeter toter with me in Greece!

Me and my mommy

And my daddy

Our ride up the Wankbahn

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hey there everybody...

Mom  and I went to the creek yesterday, I got plenty dirty and threw plenty of rocks.
So handsome!
Mom put me in these Woody PJ's, she said they may be a little tighter than she thought...

But I rocked 'em anyway...
And, finally, a belly pic, almost 5 months!  Another baby boy will be part of the Bacon Family at the end of November!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our visit with 'Gwandma Judies'

The beautiful beaches of Santorini, Greece...lots of big, black rocks, right up Cooper's alley.
Big, red choo-choos here, too

A beach shot in Santorini
In Oia, Greece...just as the sun was setting

My pool baby, he was a little coldy at first, but he liked putting his feet in, and after a little coaxing, he went all in!
That Parthenon background, that's optional...


And swinging by the light of the Acroplis...more pics to come!