Sunday, November 28, 2010

coop at the chicago botanic garden train exhibit



fire na-na-na, and trains

fire na-na-na


 i like pasta
 helping dad lift a board because it is heavy
 racing cars at the museum
 Grandma reading to me
Mom and trains, two of my favorite things

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Coop out and about

 nice kitty


Just a few shots of our lil guy

 Moms shades + juice = good times
 This doesn't happen much!
 Coop got a little upset he couldn't go in

 I don't see any fish
 There they are
Mom and I hanging

Sunday, November 14, 2010

just a few of my favorite things

 I logged my first time in a Cessna 150, it was cool, I just couldn't reach the pedals
 and the seat belt didn't work
 Boogers and Grins, the ladies love them both!
 Mom keeps telling me this is cool, hands in pockets.
 Thats my plane!

So, I started going to the museums a little bit later

 Airplane is one of my favorite words, I like the air and space museum
 Cool learning labs, I can talk all about aerodynamics
and lift!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Just an average weekend for the Snake!

 Dad, trying to write an essay in the dark with a headlamp, what a dork! I was napping and it was dark in the room.
 Merry-go-round on the Mall, in DC.  I hit this every time I can, and cry like a baby when they stop it!
 Mom, telling me to put my hands in my pockets, cause it looks cute
 Not sure if it is Cro-magnum man, or a dog, in the Smithsonian
 Mom, just knows stuff bout dinosaurs, she is really smart!
 Sooo Tired!
Just came from the fish tank, I recommend it!