Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh, happy day!

Truly the only way to get the full effect.

Hmmm...kinda cold, but looks yummy
Waiting patiently...

Cooper Joshua turned one today, February 28, 2010! What a wonderful year it has been...we have loved every moment with this little guy and he has brought us so much joy. One year and how our life has changed! Here are some of the best of our birthday boy...

My boy at his best!

It is official...

He is one!

My birthday boy

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yes, he is standing!!!

Very exciting news...Coop is standing by himself!

Family Trip to My Museum In Monterey!

We spent one day last weekend at the children's museum here in Monterey! Coop explored and we ran around after him! Just like at home! Here are some of the best pictures...Coop was one tired little dude after the museum!

Hangin with Coop

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Coop and dad runnin' around

Coop talking to the camera

We heart long weekends!

What a great long weekend! Coop and mom had a great swim lesson, and Coop even found a great seat on dad's head. Terry and I had a little break from Russian Language and Cooper spent the better part of this week at home with mom and dad! We have been to Target 2 times looking for shoes that are Cooper proof, Costco for diapers and to the park 3 times! Six teeth for my man, hence the frozen waffle relief! We love weekends!