Saturday, September 26, 2009

New toys, new highchair...

What more could this little guy want?!?!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our Little Bean...

So we have been busy. Here are some recent pics. The beach is 50 steps from our house and we are enjoying it! Is Cooper the cutest kid ever or what?!?!?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I think he is saying "Mama, mama..."

Crawling and talking, so gifted!


We were lucky to be able to celebrate Coop's baptism with both sides of our families. My parents and Josh, Cooper's namesake and godfather, were able to fly out to share Cooper's meeting with JC. We then headed to Aunt Ellen's house (Coop's godmother), for wonderful food and fun! What a great week!

In, like, forever

I know, I know, I have not blogged in awhile. We spent last week in Chicago visiting family, getting Cooper baptized and attending cousin Al's wedding! Big trip! Coop charmed his relatives with smiles, fist chomping and face-sucking kisses all caught on film. We are so missing them now but love to look at these great pictures! My mom reminds me when I have not blogged or updated pics so now that we are home for awhile, I will get better!